

Full Time Freedom Week

Does Size Matter is excited to be a part of this Information packed event for 2019! Click Here to Join for Free! An event like no other, Fulltime Freedom Week brings together over 30 RV experts for a 4-day online event starting Nov 5, 2019.  Whether you are just getting started or are already a seasoned RVer you can benefit from this event.  Speakers will be covering topics such as: Different RV Lifestyles such as Sometimers like us! Tips for purchasing a...


What’s an RV Sometimer you ask? We get asked this all of the time and our answer is always the same. It’s more about what an RV Sometimer is not! We are not Weekend Warriors, we are not Snowbirds and we aren’t Fulltimers. When we realized that we did’t fit into any of these groups we started to have an identity crises, asking ourselves “WHERE DO WE BELONG” haha. Not really but it seems there are many categories of RV...

Exploring Vancouver and Victoria Chapter 2 Webisode 4

I know, I know, we can’t seem to sit still! There’s just too much to see. Two of the biggest cities in British Columbia are Vancouver and Victoria and we love them both. I wouldn’t call us city people but we are for sure city visitor people. We love being there for a little while but then we are off to slower quieter places. Both cities are beautiful with flowers, green space and of course the Pacific Ocean. They both...

How we Fund our RVSometimer Life! Chapter 2 Webisode 3 // Kitimat, BC

In this post we are sharing a bit more about what we do when we are at our home base. Essentially, we use the better weather months to visit and do necessary projects on our properties in Northern and more remote places in BC. The thing about having properties in these areas is we get to continue our adventures to these beautiful places while doing work. We really don’t ever get tired of the scenery in BC. The more we...

5 Reasons to Travel by RV (Our Air Travel Hassles)

We know, we know, it seems a bit complicated but really it isn’t! We are RV Sometimers so logistics are a bit different for us. We aren’t in our RV constantly because we like to be at our home base sometimes for various reasons. The thing is Sometimes we are very far away from our home base when we want to be there and it just wouldn’t make sense, financially and for time, for us to drive the Beaver back....

3 Ways You Can Recycle Better! (Even in an RV Park)

As RV Sometimers, obviously we love to travel but I have been noticing one thing that I do reguarly at our home base that just isn’t an option when we are on the road. That is the option to Recycle. Recycling is a complex topic and there are many factors that go into it that are mostly controlled by government policies but I believe that we all can play a role and certainly do a bit better at the practice...

The Beaver Birthday Bath // How we maintain our coach’s exterior

Some people think being on the road for special occasions is hard/complicated/ bad, but it’s not, really! We still work it out to spend time together as a family to have a celebration and technology allows us to video chat and spend time together that way. Gift giving is still fun but doesn’t necessarily come in a box or have a bow on it. We believe that gifts don’t have to be things but can be experiences or services. This...

We are a couple who enjoys adventures and new places, and what better way to experience that then in our RV.  We are self proclaimed Sometimers. Meaning we love to be in our RV and we go for a couple of months at a time, but we also have a home that we love to spend time at too. I am an RV nut who has been dreaming about owning one since I was 7 yrs old and got the...