We wanted to give you our opinion on the Stuff We Use and let you know, if we don’t honestly like something it won’t make it on our list. There are affiliate links located within each product listed, which simply means that if you click through and purchase an item (it will cost you nothing extra) we will receive a small commission as well to help us keep creating content to share with you

Intex Explorer K2 Kayak, 2-Person Inflatable Kayak Set with Aluminum Oars and High Output Air Pump – We have always loved to be out on the water, but our current RV configuration has made it difficult to bring a boat along. The K2 Explorer is the perfect answer. It is lightweight, and compact for storage and with the included pump we can be out and exploring the shorelines in under 30 minutes. Checking out the views from the ‘on the water’ perspective that we enjoy so much! Now if they could just include an inflatable motor we would really have it all! Actually, paddling is part of what makes the experience great, and a bit of exercise is always a good thing!
Get it on Amazon
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Gretty Emmerich
September 24, 2019Hey Kory and Denise!
I used to have an inflatable kayak and LOVED it! I highly recommend these inflatables for us women because they don’t require a hoist to get a kayak up onto the roof rack of a vehicle, and they come with a big bag which keeps all things together and makes it easy to carry and cram into your car for the next road trip. This way you can meet up with all your friends and don’t have to rely on any help getting the kayak up onto the roof of your car!
John and I would love to meet up with you two soon!
Cheers and happy trails. ~Gretty
September 26, 2019Hey Gretty,
Glad you like it. We do too. I’m not sure I would take it out myself though just because I am so inexperienced at it, but one day. You are right it is super easy and light. We certainly do like being out on the water in it. We would love to see you both again too. We are in Eastern Canada at the moment are you anywhere near? Hmmm, what exactly does ‘near’ mean when you live in an rv, haha