Affiliate Disclaimer / Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy / Terms of Use

Hey there, to all of our friends. The goal of our website is to educate and entertain all of you who choose to join us and we love putting the content together to share with you. However, we have some serious information to share with you as well, pertaining to how your participation on our site and the information that is collected from you is handled. Remember, we love you, want to get to know you better and share as...

Affiliate Disclaimer

Hey there friends. We are sharing this policy with you just to clarify any questions you may have and of course to follow the rules that the FTC has made very clear are important and must be discussed.  Yes, you will find Affiliate Links on our site. Don’t worry they are good things for you and us. These links are win-win. They are to a products or services that we have used and we will leave you a review of...